There has been a marginal improvement in the firm's sales. 公司的销售情况略有改善。
So implementing the marginal cost pricing strategy and redistribution the revenue, can get the internal targets coincidence and improve the total profit of the firm. 因此通过边际成本转移定价与收益分配机制的配套运用,不仅有利于集团内部各子企业的目标协调一致,也有利于集团整体利润的提高,从而达到了双赢的目的。
The higher marginal tax rate the acquiring firm has, the more probability transaction structure is taxable. 并购方的边际税率较高,因变量的概率函数趋于1,应税并购交易发生的可能性就较大;
The existence and development of finance can increase the net revenue of firm by increasing firm's financing amount and marginal efficiency of capital, and reducing firm's financing cost. 金融的存在与发展,通过提高企业的融资量、降低企业的融资成本以及提高企业的资本边际效率而使企业的投资净收益得到提高,从而加速了企业的发展。
More integrated relationship among subsidiaries can contribute to the effective transferring and sharing among them as marginal advantages explorer so as to realize capability increment, strengthen the whole firm specific advantages and better the whole corporate performance. 海外子公司之间一体化程度的增强有利于作为新优势获取者的子公司之间有效转移与共享资源和能力,从而实现能力增值、增强公司总体特有优势并改进整个公司业绩。